Category: Local SEO
Picking a Website Builder
Here are options / considerations for a website builder: check SquareSpace check Wix check Weebly check Google Maps Free Website check Self Hosted WordPressAll options will get you a presentable website without any design skills, however if your goal is to attract more business I recommend self hosted WordPress. I’ll show you why shortly. I’m often asked…
How to Get My Business to Show up in Google
Source trustworkz.comThere are 3 pieces to Google local search results (how to show up in Google): Paid Ads – PPC (Pay Per Click – Search) Local Map Pack (SEO – Tied to Address)Traditional Organic Results (SEO – Does not require an address) Paid AdsGoogle makes over 90% of their money from Google Ads. You can’t miss…
Lesson 9 Bonus – The Getting Reviews Course
I know if you opened my email or clicked on my links to do anything I asked for. I’m an internet marketer 🙂 But I was to lazy to check and that is really boring and a bit creepy. So lets assume you didn’t read all my emails or do something I asked you to…
Lesson 8 Bonus – The Getting Reviews Course
I mentioned before there are a lot of wrong ways to get reviews. 5 things I have seen business owners do that land them in trouble: You incentivized the review (Illegal by the way. An ethical implied bribe is still fine.) You asked for a bunch of reviews from past customers all at once You…
Lesson 7 – The Getting Reviews Course
Hopefully you had as much fun learning about online reviews as I had making this course. You are a review expert now! 🙂 When this works for your business I ask for 2 things in return: 1. Please share this course with at least 3 people and as many social media sites as you can…
Lesson 6 – The Getting Reviews Course
Many are shocked to hear that review sites filter good reviews out. With Yelp being the most notorious for doing so. Most common reasons for reviews being filtered out: This is their first review The user has not enriched their profile with details The review is overly positive using some trigger words The review is…
Lesson 5 – The Getting Reviews Course
Today we are going to dive into some minutiae so hang on. Have you ever had a truly amazing experience with a local business you just had to share? Or, was your experience less than stellar and you wanted to send out a “buyer beware” message? I once had a less-than-stellar experience and felt it…