Picking a Website Builder

Here are options / considerations for a website builder:

All options will get you a presentable website without any design skills, however if your goal is to attract more business I recommend self hosted WordPress.

I’ll show you why shortly.

I’m often asked if a business can get by with a 1 page website. I view this as only 1 step above getting a proper listing with Facebook and Google Maps

If you really think about it your website should do 3 things for you:

  • check
    Aid in bring in more business (Search Engine Optimization, Google AdWords and Social Media Ads)
  • check
    Educate / sell visitors on why they should by from you vs someone else
  • check
    Close those visitors into buyers

I have found it easiest to track how marketing campaigns are working and improve them by instead going with an optimized WordPress website. Though the other tools are making strides to be better.

Not to mention the all the amazing plugins (Yoast SEO, Monster Insights, 51 Blocks…), integrations and customizations you can do.

If a fancy easy way to edit a page is what you are looking for you can just get Thrive Architect for WordPress. Added bonus is it is great for making landing pages with email opt-in offers.

Checkout dougsrepair.com

“Nearly 60 percent of searches now from mobile devices” Source

Doug’s is a good example of a custom built WordPress Theme(Design). I’ve found between WordPress, Gantry Frame Work and Thrive Architect you may never need a developer or designer again. 

Okay that may be a slight over statement especially in consideration of how easy those other website builders are. But I’ll take the SEO/marketing, customization freedom and open source nature of WordPress over any other builder any day.

Regardless of the platform

You’ll want to make sure you build out service pages

And location pages

In addition to your core pages like about us and home page.

Set Up Proper Tracking

A good marketer can show you most importantly how many leads they are getting through. Tracked back to the marketing campaign (SEO, PPC, Social Media…).

  • Calls
  • Forms
  • Chat

Doug’s if they like can then audit those leads and tell you how much money they made from them.

Traditionally marketers just show things that don’t really help you:

  • Rankings
  • Traffic
  • Time on site
  • Bounce Rate

A website if setup correctly, is really just the center of your marketing engine. If you want to know how your marketing efforts are doing I can help you do just that. Most people find that marketing then becomes a tool for more business rather than an expense.

Website building pricing really depends on what your goals are.

Here are 2 additional resources I just published that could help you.

How to Get My Business to Show up in Google

Do You Really Need A Website?


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