Kyle Hunt: Tips for Better Marketing

This month I had the privilege of talking to and interviewing Kyle Hunt from Unfortunitly the audio din't record as well so I'll give the highlights here.

Kyle started his own company in Michigan about 9 years ago and, while his own business focuses on home repair and re-modelers, the tips he has apply to all of us marketing online. 

Tip 1: Organize Your Client List

  • Stay in touch with past clients.
  • Send out consistent emails.
  • Call four previous clients every week.​

After the call I went and checked out one Kyles sales tools, Remodelers AutoPilot. His current clients are using this to help automate some of this past client interaction. Landing more jobs from past clients as well as referrals.  

Tip 2: Have a Kick-Butt Website

Sometimes we overlook the basics. Make your business the logical choice in comparison to their other options.

Tip 3:​ Have Strategic Partners 

  • Find other businesses that have the same clientele as you do.
  • Have two BLBs (Breakfast, Lunch, or Beer) every month.

Networking in these BLBs yield real relationships and keep you top of mind for referrals. 

Tip 4: Improve Your Sales Process​

  • Be sure to convert prospective clients into paying projects. ​
  • Spend ten to fifteen minutes on a phone call to decide whether a client will be a good fit.

Kyls Upcoming 8 course training includes:

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    The Initial Phone Call: What You Must Do To Make A Great First Impression
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    5 Powerful Words When Talking With A Remodeling Prospect: This Is How We Work
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    The In-Person Meeting: How To Prepare, What To Bring, And The Approach You Should Take
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    No Project Left Behind: Your Lead Tracking, Sales Pipeline, and Follow-up System
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    Let’s take a breath! We’ll focus on a review of everything we have covered so far and on how we’re doing with implementing
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    They Are Sold! Now What? and After The Remodeling Job Is Done - Here's What To Do
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    How To Effectively Stay-In-Touch with Previous Clients/Prospects
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    Open Q&A for the group, review of what we covered and a solid Wrap Up!

We sure hope this was helpful to you and that you will be able to implement these things into your own business website. Don't forget to go look at Kyle's website!

News Pulse May2017

Building Your Website - Pillar 1

When you begin building your website, you have to make sure that you have all the necessary elements to make it a useful and comprehensible tool for clients to use. One way to make sure that you have all of these elements is to look at your website like it is a home that needs all the different building tools to make it stand.

This website takes all the different parts of a house and a website and compares them side by side so that you can see how to develop your website or build a house.

Social Engagement - Pillar 5

If you have a website and you are trying to keep customers that you already have while gathering more clients, one way to do that is sending out emails to keep people up to date on your business. Newsletters and ‘Thank You’ emails are a great way to do that. You do not want your business falling to the back of people’s minds so you need to continuously remind them that you are still there and available for hire.

What to do:

  1. Build a list of previous clients and prospects.

  2. Use a free email marketing tool to help you get started marketing to clients.

  3. If you want something set-up and done-for-you each month, consider Remodelers AutoPilot.

Let’s Get More Added!

There are more ways to bring clients to your website and your business. One thing you can do is add the word ‘local’ to your web content. Also don’t forget to add your address and phone number to your website; create a review page; create a multiple locations page; build a FAQ page; and an About Us page so prospective clients can get to know you.

Easy Ways to Create Local Contents

Google Update

One handy tool that Google offers is Local Rank Tracking. Local Rank Tracking allows you to see where you rank in Google and where your competitors sit. This website gives you eight reasons to use Local Rank Tracking and shows you what your results will look like so you know what to look for.

Another thing that you should know about Google is their stance on adding multiple locations and phone numbers to your business. Of course, having multiple locations is great but should you put all those locations on Google? This article states all of the facts, letting you know the risks of doing this and also helps you know how to address this question.

Offline - Pillar 7

As a business owner, you do not just want out of city or out of state clients. You also want to be able to attract and gain local clients. In this podcast with David Mihm (co-creator of and sole founder of Tidings) they discuss how to attract those local customers and you will also hear about snippets and having your own VPN.

Being Successful

You would not have started a business if you did not expect it to have success. Whether success is making money or helping others, you are always looking for ways to achieve that goal. And we all have our idols, those successful people that we look up to and aspire to be like. This quick slideshow points out the many habits of some of those successful people. Maybe you share a thing or two with some of them.

Getting Reviews - Pillar 4

Getting reviews is really important to a business. Good reviews are great and bad reviews (although we don’t like receiving them) can help us improve our business. Customer success does a few things for your business such as building your reputation, driving customer success, and improving your organization as a whole.

Customer Feedback Equals Customer Success

Learn More

We scour the web for the best resources we can find to help your small business by topic. We call it a News Pulse because we believe in the 7 pillars of online marketing that keeps your contractor business alive. We hope this has helped you out so you know what you can do to improve your own website and business. 

7 pillars of online marketing